1509714_983026735059191_1665157428770724705_nTHE BAND: With little information about the band in the public realm, one thing we do know is how London three-piece The Venus Lyx are intent on making a name for themselves within the hordes of the lost youth of modern guitar music.

THE SOUND: ‘Keep Your Hands Off My Familiar’ is the band’s debut single and it’s unmediated guitar and drum rhythms keel from bar to bar with a tone that’s unvexed and almost dismissive of itself. With equally candid lyrics that violate the foreground, the track incorporates the swagger of The Cramps with the fresh youthful sound of the ever popular Fat White Family as it trundles, grates and gurgles in a state of rock ‘n’ roll incertitude.

THE LOWDOWN: The band’s debut single ‘Keep Your Hands Off My Familiar’ is now available to order from Dead Beet Records on super limited 7″.