ONE of the most exciting bands taking to the stage at TENEMENT TRAIL 2019, Glasgow’s own VLURE, have risen to unshakable promise, despite not, as of yet, released a single track. Tenement TV caught up with the band to chat about their inception, Glasgow and TENEMENT TRAIL 2019.
“We started Vlure as a way of building something new for ourselves, a release, something pure in collective expression, without other hands on it. We were all playing in other bands and felt some what unable to fully explore all the sonic and visual ideas we had. This band has given us a way to do that.”
For those who have not yet seen the band live, they offered an insight into their sound and what fans can expect at TENEMENT TRAIL 2019.
“Fluid. It sounds like all our influences and experiences combined. We pride ourselves on sticking to our own ideas and exploring genre as much as possible. On a base of dark post punk, It’s equal measures visceral and confrontational as it is pop sensible and danceable.” As for TRAIL, their set is “Open to everyone.”
Formed in Glasgow, the band feel Glasgow, and platforms like TTV, lend themselves to creativity within the city.
“Glasgow as a city is reactionary in nature. It’s maybe through a shared reaction to the moral, political and social climate that we’ve been dealt as young Scots that forces us all to come together, and respect the different ways that we choose to express ourselves against that backdrop. As a creative community we all inspire and support each other. That makes everyone work harder and get better at what they do. Not in competition but in unison. Couple the rich lineage and iconic venues with the vastness and diversity of scenes in such a small space and you’re onto something beautiful.”
“Very important. What platforms like Tenement TV do to shine a light on young local talent and build community in our city is vital. Tenement Trail always feels like a celebration of that. Long live it.”
As for their tips for TENEMENT TRAIL 2019…
“There’s so many class people and artists involved. But we’re looking forward to Squid, Calva Louise and Shredd.”
Tickets for TENEMENT TRAIL 2019 are on sale now.