JUNGLE have announced their intentions to release a new album in the near future. Wasting little time after gaining almost universal acclaim for their eponymous debut in 2014, the often elusive band took to the airwaves in order to detail their plans for the coming year.

Previously known only as ‘J’ & ‘T’,  band figureheads  Josh Lloyd-Watson and Tom Mcfarland spoke candidly on Radio 1’s Newsbeat about what the future holds for them.

Mcfarland stated that: “We are just in the middle of building a studio so we can sit down in our own space once more and get to work on the second record” before explaining how “Our laptops are our notepads, and so it is quite easy just to sit down and work on little ideas and things that inspire you.”

Proclaiming that work will be underway prior to their appearance at Manchester’s The Warehouse Project, the world waits patiently to see what new material from the experimental pop outfit will sound like.