PRONTO MAMAPRONTO MAMA have revealed details of the line-up for their upcoming Beatnik Retreat.

A monthly literary event held in Glasgow’s Mono Cafe which celebrates the vitality of writing in its many forms, the third installment will see a myriad of talent from not only the city but further flung locations in the UK to perform their work in front of an enthusiastic audience.

Hosted by various members of Pronto Mama and usually supplemented by a stripped back set from the band themselves, the line-up for the show on the 27th March features artists such as Ross Leighton of Fatherson, Highlands-based singer/songwriter Josephine Sillars, Scottish slam poet Bram Gieben, Manchester’s Isiah Hull and Billy Letford

Described by the band as a ” a platform for creatives to come and share their work and most importantly have a fucking laugh for fucksake”, tickets are priced at £5 and  available now via Music Glue.