Anna Meredith

THE Scottish Album of Year Award 2016 has been revealed at a ceremony this evening in Paisley, Scotland as Anna Meredith.

The award is described on the website as: “The Scottish Album of the Year (SAY) Award is Scotland’s most prestigious prize established to reward and promote the diversity and creativity of music and art in Scotland.”

The winner of the prestigious award bagged the £20,000 prize that has see artists like Young Fathers win in past years, accepted her award with the following speech: “It has been a total honour and a privilege to be on the longlist and shortlist for the SAY award.

“It has been great getting to know all of the other albums and during these politically difficult times to see positivity, creativity and spirit coming out of the longlist and shortlist.

“Thank you to all of those artists. Huge thanks to the SAY award and my long suffering and hugely talented band who helped me make this real labour of love.”

Read the full list of nominees including Young Fathers, Emma Pollock, FFS, Hector Bizerk, Primal Scream and more.

Watch the video from this year’s winner below: