tame_impala25_website_image_ytnv_wuxgaTAME IMPALA’S creative force Kevin Parker has revealed his plans to reform Mink Mussel Creek, his former band which featured members of fellow Australian psych outfit Pond.

Featuring Nick Allbrook, ‘shiny’ Joe Ryan and the man himself, the Australian musician revealed his plans via Tame Impala’s Instagram account with a candid snap of what’s presumably their first practice in many years.

Posted with the caption ‘Gettin the band back together’, early reports suggest that the purpose of their reunion is in order to perform an as-yet-unannounced show but their further plans are not yet known.

Check out the post and the band’s madcap record below:

Gettin the band back together #gettingthebandbacktogether #minkmusselcreek

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