WOLF ALICE have detailed progress on their sophomore album.
With My Love Is Cool receiving the accolade of TTV’s album of the year for 2015, the band have assured fans and admirers that they’re not aiming for the same formula with diminishing returns and aim to ‘have a few more surprises up our sleeves.’
Adamant that they will ‘stay the weirdos’, drummer Joel Amey has expanded on this idea as their central ethos:
“That’s what I always think; stay a little bit outside of those tags and boxes of what people expect,” he continued, ”otherwise it’s very easy to predict what the band are going to do next and it’s not always the most engaging thing for a music listener. So hopefully we’ve got a few more surprises up our sleeves before people can force tags upon us.”
What’s more, he’s made it all too clear that the band have no intentions of riding the wave of success that their debut album brought and are in the process of putting together its follow-up at present:
We’re still buzzing to be in the room together and it’s been quite an intense couple of years in terms of the touring, but it’s been such a thrill that we have things that we want to play and want to write. We don’t really want to go away and fade away for a little while because it’s become too much fun, and it’s too much fun playing music with the other three for me – so we’re going to try and get back on it hopefully as soon as possible.”
Watch the band’s video for ‘You’re A Germ’ below: