BEAR’S DEN have unveiled a live video to accompany ‘Greenwoods Bethlehem’, the latest single to be lifted from last year’s popular album Red Earth & Pouring Rain.
Released to coincide with the beginning of the band’s current UK tour, the video features a mix of live and back stage footage collected during shows in Los Angeles, festivals across Europe, Manchester’s iconic Albert Hall as well as a sold-out gig at Brixton Academy. At the end of this current run of dates, the band will have played close to 80 shows since the release of Red Earth & Pouring Rain last year.
Already a firm favourite amongst live audiences, the track demonstrates their ability to craft engaging lyrics over spell-binding and emotive melodies. Staying true to their folk origins to begin with, it isn’t long before the song undergoes a dynamic progression and transforms into something wholly anthemic and atmospheric.
Showcasing the band at their very best on stage, the video is set to up the anticipation even further for their forthcoming UK dates. Still to play Oxford, Cardiff, Newcastle, Manchester and London, the band will drop off in Glasgow on Wednesday 29th March.