The band: Possessed of their trademark punch, Catfish and the Bottlemen explore a more nuanced sound with their new material, with Abbiss’ guiding hand to refine the band’s uncompromising approach to volume. The new track is drenched in reverb “cause we want it to sound dead loud,” admits front man Van McCann, “but Jim showed us you can retain that loudness by dialling other elements down a little”.

The sound: Produced by Jim Abbiss (Arctic Monkeys’ Whatever People Say I Am). You can hear the track- accompanied by frontman Van’s video lovel etter to Ewan McGregor below. Speaking about the lyrical inspiration behind the track, McCann says “Kathleen is a song about being completely infatuated with someone, so much so that it literally drives you mad and causes you all kind of problems. You can’t stop thinking about them, you can’t get anything done, you can’t think straight, you just want to be with them all the time.  Basically, it’s about being inexplicably madly in love with someone who’s absolutely backward, but completely gets you”.

The lowdown: Kathleen premiered as Zane Lowe’s Hottest Record in The World. Out on 14th April 2014,  the single is released as a label debut for Communion/Island Records. You can hear the track- accompanied by frontman Van’s video loveletter to Ewan McGregor below. It’s the forth single to be released by the band. The band are currently on tour and will play Glasgow’s Broadcast on 28th February 2014.