THE Imagineers have shared the video to accompany new single ‘Utopian Dreams’ following the exclusive audio premiere on TTV last week.
The Scottish band return following an extended break since 2013 and will release their new record of the same name early next year.
‘Utopian Dreams’ sees The Imagineers reborn in stunning fashion; marking a significant shift in sound while capturing the ambitions of a band who now seem destined to fulfil their previous promise. Galloping rhythms and the twang of heavy guitar licks form a stirring introduction before lead Stevie Young’s resounding vocals stamp their authority on the track; forcing their way into your consciousness with a distinguishable clarity and confidence.
The video was shot in Glasgow and features a look into the mind of frontman Steven Young as the song about dreams is brought to life in the most impressionable black and white style. Chaotic, dark and space-ridden, the song’s visuals do the rock ‘n’ roll tune justice.
Check out the video below: