ARMED with a razor-sharp tongue and one of the drollest senses of humour in modern music, Jamie T is preparing to deliver his latest sermon of socially conscious, hip-hop infused indie rock.
In the most sonically adventurous mind frame since the release of Kings & Queens, he’s now given us another chance to gawk at what’s coming forth on his fourth LP with the frenetic ‘Drone Strike’
Opening with an intro that’ll seem pleasantly familiar to those that pledge their allegiance to Primal Scream’s XTRMNTR, the carefully constructed aural assault of Wimbledon’s finest soon obliterates everything in its way over a synth basedbackdrop. Commenting on the technologically advanced, Orwellian night terror that is today’s society whilst simultaneously pushing himself in a musical sense, it’s another welcome insight into the forthcoming Trick.
Jamie T’s new album will be released on the 2nd September.
Check out the new track below: