HVNLP124_1400_RGB_PACKSHOTPLYING their trade in the vein of mind-expanding psychedelia, King Gizzard & The Lizard are one of the most foremost acts operating within the genre’s modern sphere. Staying resolutely obscure and refusing to tailor their output to any trend within the industry, the Australian band are constantly evolving and refuse to rest on their laurels for any vast amount of time. In keeping with this ethos, the band have released ‘Paper Mâché Dream Balloon’, the title track from their upcoming new record that is set to be their second major release of the calendar year.

Combine the wonderful eccentricity of bands such as Canned Heat and Jethro Tull with a set of Beatles-esque melodies and you begin to approach the sound of the track, one which is essentially unparalleled within their catalogue in terms of style.

Abandoning electric instruments for the upcoming record and pushing the limits of tools such as double bass, fiddle, harmonica and of course acoustic guitar, this track marks the starting point of an unexpected transition but one which is likely to provide many gems.

Paper Mâché Dream Balloon will be released on the 13th November via Heavenly.

Check out the track below: