THE prolific Matilda Mann is back with a captivating new single called ‘Hell’.

Known for her open and intimate songwriting, the new song follows recent singles ‘Nice’, “Four Leaf Dream’, her ‘Sonder’ EP and more.

This time though she digs deeper than usual, exploring her experience of sexual assault in powerfully articulate fashion. The heavier subject matter is channelled through the instrumental – subtle guitar melodies gradually building until they explode on the chorus.

“I think this time, it’s more than just releasing a song,” she says. “I’m going to be talking about a really big part of why I write and show such a vulnerable side of myself to strangers. The subject of sexual assault is always something I’ve struggled to talk about, so I guess the main way I’ve been able to face it, is through music. I hope releasing this song, starts conversations. Conversations between friends/family/trusted ones. Helps people, who have have been coping by themselves. Making the subject less scary and open.”

Listen in below.

Photo by Dominique Froud