THE BAND: Comprised of guitarist/vocalist Cory Gillies and Chris McCrory of Casual Sex/Catholic Action, Pinact are one of the most exciting two pieces to emerge from Glasgow in recent memory. Purveyors of brash and dissonant rock that pays homage to a number of American outfits, they have had an incredibly productive year thus far; embarking on a whirlwind tour of the UK and recording with MJ of Hookworms fame. Preparing to unleash their debut album, they have released the video for the frantically paced ‘Anxiety.’
THE SOUND: Opening with a flurry of pulse racing drums and an immediate riff, ‘Anxiety’ sees the Glasgow based duo producing a sound that aligns them with Bleach-era Nirvana as well as more contemporary fare such as Cloud Nothings and Japandroids. Amidst the fuzz laden guitars and explosive drumming, there are some pop sensibilities lurking below the surface; evidenced by its immensely catchy chorus.
THE VIDEO: As the camera slowly navigates through an unspecified location, it eventually stumbles upon the two piece as they launch into action. With McCrory’s drum kit adorned with flowers and Gillies staring intently into the camera against a dark background, the performance aspect of the video sees them on confrontational form.
THE LOWDOWN: Pinact’s debut album Stand Still And Rot will be released on the 18th May 2015 via Kanine Records, whilst those looking to catch the band on tour can do so on the dates listed below.
5th April 2015- Lock Tavern Festival, London
21st April 2015- Broadcast, Glasgow
16th May 2015- Great Escape @ Black Lion, Brighton
16th May 2015- The Shacklewell Arms, London
19th May 2015- Broadcast, Glasgow