FOLLOWING the release of ‘Young Excitement’, Pizza Crunch have shared a follow-up single called ‘Wilting Youth’.

Produced, mixed and mastered by Chris Marshall, the track similarly revolves around the idea of a fading youth. Unlike its predecessor though, they submit themselves to the inevitable, openly acknowledging that those bright and carefree days of old have gone and they aren’t returning.

Ewan Hearns said “I remember actually putting pen to paper for this track a lot more vividly than others. I was sitting in the park on a sunny day during summer, the day was ending and so was my time at university (I also feared a relationship might be ending). I think all these changes meant that I’d kind of accepted the days I sing about fondly in Young Excitement were gone, and instead of searching for their return I’d come to terms with the fact that they’d dissolved. Once I’d written the lyrics I sat with a guitar and figured out the chords before later writing the bridge on the piano. This was a fun one to put together in the studio, the structure was all there so we had plenty of time to fuck around with guitar parts and tones, backing vocals and a little sentimental piano line to match the tender intent of the song.” 

Led by Hearns’ earnest yet charismatic vocal, he delivers his sermon over strutting post-punk rhythms with sprightly guitar riffs – shifting between the wry and all-together downhearted.

Marked with the same emotional turmoil that accompanies any major life shift, you can listen to it below.

Meanwhile, Pizza Crunch headline King Tuts on 27th August as part of King Tuts Summer Nights, playing alongside Vansleep, Tina Sandwich and Static.