Slaves perform at the O2 ABCSHEER chaos distilled into three minute bursts is precisely what we’ve came to expect to Slaves and it’s safe to say that the band are in no mood to disappoint.

Taken from their forthcoming new record Take Control,  Slaves has ramped up the sleazy riffs on new track  ‘People That You Meet.’

Promising that their new LP would be even more unflinchingly heavy than their debut, it’s becoming more and more clear with each release that this isn’t just conjecture. Featuring a filthy, sludgy riff that coils itself around the entire track, it sees Laurie and Vincent recap a whole list of the weird and wonderful people that they’ve encountered on their travels and was written with assistance from Wolf Alice’s Joel Amey.

Featuring a video shot at a BBQ which shows them shaving their lighting tech’s hair, the band’s new record will be released on the 30th September.

Check out the new video below: