THE BAND: Often revered as one of the finest American songwriters of the 21st century, Sufjan Stevens is an artist who is undergoing constant reinvention in order to prevent his output from growing stale. Having veered erratically from lo-fi folk to electronic expansiveness and symphonic compositions, Stevens continues to both delight and bemuse his audience with his every move. Gearing up for the release of his latest album, a single has emerged to provide his audience with a morsel of insight as to what can be expected.
THE SOUND: Returning to his roots on ‘No Shade In The Shadow Of The Cross’, Stevens evokes the spirit of bygone folk lyricists such as Nick Drake and John Martyn with tender guitar and blissful harmonies. Lyrically, the track is an incredibly interesting composition, with allusions to religious imagery in tandem with proclamations of lust and drug abuse.
THE LOWDOWN: Steven’s forthcoming album Carrie & Lowell is set for release on 30th March via Asthmatic Kitty, whilst those looking to catch both his new and classic tracks live can do so during his debut festival headline slot at End Of The Road in Dorset.