the-last-shadow-puppets-bad-habits-music-video-640x426A band that transcends of a ‘supergroup’ and is a genuinely innovative act in their own right, Alex Turner and Miles Kanes’ The Last Shadow Puppets have ceased their borderline cruel hiatus and have given us the first delectable taste of their brand new album.

Featuring similar motifs to that which were prominent on their awe-inspiring debut yet pushing the band in a bold and undeniably cool direction, they’ve revealed the video for ‘Bad Habits’, a scintillating rock ‘n’ roll number which was exactly the kind of shot in the arm fans of the evasive group were looking for.

Parting with the Scott Walker inspired baroque pop that comprised most of The Age Of The Understatement whilst retaining the stunning orchestral arrangement of Canadian virtuoso Owen Pallett, ‘Bad Habits’ isn’t a million miles away from the swaggering, cocksure rock ‘n’ roll of Arctic Monkeys’ lauded AM or Miles Kane’s First Of My Kind yet is unique in its arrangement.

With Miles Kane defiantly spitting out the bulk of its lyrics before Turner opts to join him on the track’s contagious chorus, ‘Bad Habits’ is defined by an enveloping piano melody, foreboding strings and flashes of 60’s indebted guitar that all culminates in a track with truly undeniable appeal.

Check out the track below: