Velveteen Saints 2The band: The Velveteen Saints are one of the liveliest and most energetic acts around Glasgow at the moment, with a snarling Rock n Roll sound that has hints of punk defiance. They have been keeping good company as they have played with Tim Burgess, Peter Hook of Joy Division, Peace and The View. ‘Postcards From Rome’ (listen below) is their debut single, premièring here on Tenement TV.

The sound: ‘Postcards From Rome’ captures the sound of old-school rock and re-energises it with fresh impetus and energy. There are chugging guitar riffs, melodic licks, screaming guitar solo’s and some bold, edgy lyrics; the perfect ingredients for a classic rock track.

The lowdown: It will be released digitally on the 13th October via Dead Beet Records, and will be launched on the 31st October (Halloween) at Broadcast – you can get your tickets here. A follow-up single is planned too, and that will be out nearer the end of the year. If you can’t wait till the 31st to see The Velveteen Saints then you can also catch them at this year’s Tenement Trail on Saturday the 4th Ocotber,  Flat 0/1, at 9.30pm.