Photo by Dougy Hill
BY working tirelessly behind the scenes and operating entirely on their own terms, Walt Disco have carefully and commendably managed to carve out a wholly unique niche for themselves over the last 12 months in a city awash with guitar bands. Not just another band riding the new wave trend, the quintet, who also recently added a new member, have displayed a striking new confidence with each release; and it all comes to the fore on their latest single ‘My Pop Sensibilities’.
A collaborative effort that was co-written by Haydn Park-Patterson of The Ninth Wave and recorded by Chris McCrory of Catholic Action, ‘My Pop Sensibilities’ is a weird, wonderful Sparks-esque whirl of jarring synths and theatrical vocals. Refined in its execution yet melodically unrestrained, their anti-pop irony arguably conceives their snappiest song to date.
Starting the year as strongly as they finished the last, the song arrives just in time for their headline performance tomorrow at the closing night of King Tut’s New Year’s Revolution. Get tickets here.