It’s closing in on two years since we first clapped eyes on Catholic Action and they’ve held both our attention and that of the Scottish music scene’s in the palms of their hands ever since.
Making their way from any dank, crowded venue they could get into on their first Scottish tour to attaining enviable support slots with a litany of their musical heroes, the inherent ambitiousness that extravasates from the band’s every well-planned move is the key to their continued success.
Set to release their new double AA single in the latter stages of September, the band have now unveiled its second track ‘Breakfast.’
Heralded by a riff that sounds as though it would be the resultant squall of splicing the dna of Frank Black and Johnathan Richman, ‘Breakfast’ is a layered feat of songwriting which could well be the band’s most fully realised composition to date.
Plodding, methodical drums keep energy levels high whilst frontman Chris McCrory’s vehement vocal pleads for you to ‘take my hand and take my advice.’ Ending in an always welcome hail of guitars and orchestrated chaos, the band’s potential is indisputable.
‘Breakfast’ will be released alongside ‘Rita Ora’ on the 23rd September via Luv Luv Luv whilst the band’s first ever headline show at King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut will take place on the 25th of the very same month.
Listen to the new track below: