SIMILAR to the manner in which they first revealed the stirring ‘London Thunder’, Foals have unveiled ‘CCTV’ footage of the band performing What Went Down highlight ‘Albatross.’
Judging by the success of the LP and the adulation that has been accredited to them in its immediate wake, there’s something quite charming about seeing Foals perform in such an intimate surroundings as this is sure to be rarity in future.
As moody and opaque synths bubble away underneath the surface, the track is instantaneously elevated by Walter Gerver’s seering bassline and the hypnotic lilt of frontman Yannis Philippakis.
It’s not unreasonable to expect that Foals will release a spectacle of a music video in the same vein as ‘A Knife In The Ocean’ or ‘Mountain At My Gates’ to accompany such an arresting track in the near future.
Check out the video below: