UNDERGOING a distinct overhaul in terms of style, The Vaccines set out on their third record with something to prove. It appeared that they detested being pigeonholed as something of a flash in the pan or creatively stale despite evidence to the contrary. Accomplishing the dispelling of such suspicions alongside a whole lot more, the band have released the video for new single ’20/20′.

One of the tracks on their third full length ‘English Graffiti’ that most resembles their material of old; ’20/20′ is centered on a visceral melee of guitar that invokes notions of ‘First Impressions Of Earth’ era Strokes. Vocalist Justin Young uses the track as a medium from which he can adopt a new, higher pitched voice; resulting in an altogether pleasant double take as he sheds the deep baritone.

English Graffiti is available now, whilst ’20/20 will be released on 7′ vinyl on Friday 25th July 2015. The release will a feature a ‘reimagined’ version of the track on the B-side. You can catch this track and a whole lot more when The Vaccines descend upon Strathallan Castle for next week’s T in the Park.