twilight sadThe band: Last year The Twilight Sad released their fourth album in the form of Nobody Wants To Be Here and Nobody Wants To Leave. It is 10 songs worth of agonising darkness, beauty and depth, and really puts the listener through a workout. You can read our review of it here. Not quite making the cut on the album was a track titled ‘The Airport’, but not to worry, the group have now released it so the world can have one more slice of the brilliant album.

The sound: In keeping with the rest of the album it is a downbeat number. Starting with an eerie melody it blends into verses containing drawn out and jingly chords followed by a repetitive chorus. It has subtle hints of a ballad to it, but never reaches that point thanks to the dirty and droning instrumental backing.

The lowdown: ‘The Airport’ will be released as a B-side to ‘I Could Give You All That You Don’t Want’ on 7″ vinyl on the 9th Feb. Much of the next 6 months will be spent touring as the band head to North America followed by a huge European tour. Before that though they will be playing at King Tuts, Glasgow on the 6th February.